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Recall Alert! Dairy Contamination Found in Famous Almond Milk Brand

Stop and look before you open that carton of almond milk you purchased. It was announced this past weekend HP Hood LLC, the company responsible for producing and manufacturing the milk alternative brand Almond Breeze for the company Blue Diamond issued a recall for its Vanilla Almond Breeze. Over 145,000 half-gallon cartons of refrigerated Vanilla Almond Breeze was shipped out to 28 states across the country to retailers and wholesalers.

So far, FDA has reported one allergic reaction in connection with the recalled almond milk. However, medical treatment was not required. The FDA has also stated that the product is safe to consume unless you have a milk allergy or sensitivity.

A representative from the company told CBS News that the company where the almond milk is manufactured also manufactures dairy milk.

HP Hood is a Lynnfield, Massachusetts based dairy manufacturing company that also handles the production of Blue Diamond's Almond Breeze.

"Although the almond milk is processed on a separate line and filler and we confirmed that the allergen control protocol all standard validation testing was conducted in accordance with our allergen control program, this particular batch of almond milk was contaminated with one container of milk through an employee error," the representative said in an email. "Hood made the decision to recall all of the product from this batch as a precaution."

What To Look For:

Vanilla Almond Breeze almond milk with a use-by date of September 2, 2018.

USE BY: SEP 02 18 (07:36 – 20:48) H5 L1 51-4109 USE BY: SEP 02 18 (07:36 – 20:48) H5 L2 51-4109 USE BY: SEP 02 18 (07:36 – 20:48) H6 L1 51-4109 USE BY: SEP 02 18 (07:36 – 20:48) H6 L2 51-4109

Should you have any of the recalled milk, return it to the store from where you purchased it for a full refund or exchange.

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